Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Changing the High Status of Physicians

Our society places a higher value on human life compared to other species/things on that is planet. So when an individual sets him or herself apart and is redefined by what they do our views towards him or her are altered. For instance, if we do not have any underlying behavioral abnormalities (i.e. a desire to kill our neighbor) we consider life to be sacred, and respect those that have taken the time and oath to preserve human life. It is also no accident that in the United States this profession is so greatly revered. We can attribute its success to the American Medical Association (AMA). This organization set the guidelines/boundaries to be considered part of this profession. History also played its part giving preference to white rich males to be part of this exclusive profession at the time. Sure this might not be the case today, but many historical movements had to take place in order to incorporate minorities into this profession. I think the reason why nurses or other health care areas do not receive the same respect as physicians is because our society is still working on valuing every human equal to each other; and as the most basic example it starts with males and females.

Females are generally considered to be nurses in the health care field and they too have an organization that has been around since the AMA called the American Nurses Association (ANA) however, they do not receive the same respect as physicians because of the underling views of hierarchy that have longed been entwined in our society. Males have earned more money, worked, gone to school, and fought in wars much longer compared to females. I am sure just as in any profession; a male physician will receive more respect than a female physician a greater amount of time just because of societal views.

Physicians will always be well-regarded by society because of our societal value on human life. However, with time I am sure other professions can gain the same status as physicians but there is a lot of work that needs to be done to change the view and understanding of how each profession contributes to the overall well being, survival and advancement of human beings.

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