Tuesday, January 20, 2009

High Status of Physicians

Physicians undoubtedly acquire an amount of knowledge and undergo countless hours of training like no other profession.  In the beginning of times, when medicine was far weaker and less technologically advanced, people gave doctors their utmost respect because they seemed superior on a topic that is so important to all.  As a result, I think this respect was carried through the decades and never thought of as wrong, unjust or even unearned.  Stemming from this, I think it naturally just became part of the health care system for nurses, physician assistants and other clinicians to fall below doctors on the totem pole of respect.  Not that I am saying I feel doctors receive too much respect from society and that other workers deserve less.  I just believe that this offers an explanation as to where the level of respect surfaced from.

I don't think nurses and physician assistants are given the same level of respect as physicians solely on the fact that people outside of the health care system believe that knowledge is key; so the only logical choice to have the answers would be doctors.  In regards to public health professionals and educators, they are not viewed as having a major part in treatment or prevention of diseases by the lay person.  The ironic part of this perception is that nurses and PAs are the ones doing all of the major back work that often times saves a patient in critical times because of their familiarity with the case.  Similarly, health professionals/educators are figuring out ways to prevent disease and change lifestyle habits of the public-all of the components that will keep the people out of the clinics, hospitals and doctors offices altogether.  

I guess what I am trying to say is that I understand why doctors receive such a high level of respect almost instantaneously.  They are extremely motivated, committed and passionate people serving a population that is extremely needy and critical.  However, I also believe that others in the health care system are unfairly receiving criticisms and less respect when their positions are just as important as a physician.  All in all, I think our system is transforming its mindset to a point where all clinicians and professionals will soon earn that respect among all lay persons; but I also believe that, for the present time, doctors are not wrongly given such a high level of respect and status among our society.

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