Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Physician Status

It is rarely argued that physicians are highly respected in society. This is in part to do with their rigorous training. If you look at any career, respect is something that is obtained with education, experience, and expertise. Physicians are held to higher standard in all three respects; therefore, they are highly respected among societies members. Even within the general title MD there is some sort of hierarchical level of respect. A physician with a high level of training in a particular specialty may be regarded with more respect than a general practitioner. I think that the level of respect is directly related to the need for that particular field. People value their health, and physicians are primarily responsible for the health of individuals. Other health professionals aid in the process of providing health, but the physician is directly responsible for that individuals well being. For example, a nurse may draw blood, a lab my process it, but the physician is responsible for interpreting and creating a health plan based on those results. The liability lies in the hands of the physicians. I don't believe teachers and other health professionals are not respected. People appreciate the services of those individuals along with other service providers such as policemen, firemen, builders, etc. The difference comes down to the level of interaction. For each idividual, it is different, but for most physicinas play a critical role. We come into the world in their hands and we usually leave it under their care. I have read the physicians oath and I believe that the answer to all of the above questions can be found within it.

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