Tuesday, January 20, 2009

every health care professions deserved to be respected.

Physicians have a high status in society. Even among other health care providers, an MD commands a certain amount of respect. If you want to sell any nutritional supplements or diet plans, having an MD support it gives it credibility. Why do they command such a high level of respect? Is it due to their training or their commitment to healing? Why isn't this respect given to nurses or physician assistants? Or to teachers or public health professionals? Is this high status deserved? Your thoughts?

I think physicians do earn the respect due to their hard works from undergraduate to medical school and to internships. They have learned many medical knowledge throughout their training and they are meant to train to be professional about medicine. Due to these facts, I believe MDs' informations are credible and deserved to have high status. However, I also believe other professionals such as nurse, physician assistants and public health professionals also deserved to be respect with their knowledge and background training. Nurses, physician assistants and public health professionals have also gone through many training, and getting into nursing program is also very rigorous and competitive. Nurses also learned medical knowledge throughout their training, and it is the same to physician assistants. Public health professionals might not learn as many medicial knowledge as nurses, physicians assistants and physicians do, however, they have mastered other kind's professions, such as, health education, epidemology, statistic, and communication. These kind's trainings are not something physicians and nurses are familiar, and these skills should also be respected since those also contribute a big portion in our health care system. Without epidemologists finding out the new breakout diseases, statisticians sorting out the newest data about certain deadly diseases, or health educators promoting health education, the society today wouldn't be the same if only have physicians existed. To me, every professions should be respect, therefore, physicians deserved te respect in term of health care but so as many other medical care professions.

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